"Save File Set" is a Bat Filer special that saves the names and locations of the files in the file list. "Load File Set" allows you to restore those files. These two specials are useful if you often work with a set of files in many folders.
To use Save File Set;
(1) Select a name and folder for saving the file-set file.
(2) The names and locations of ALL the files in the file list are written to the file-set file.
(3) Holding down the [Option] key before selecting Save File Set will cause ONLY SELECTED FILES to be listed in the file-set file.
The files can be in any number of folders, and on any number of volumes. NOTE: the files are listed in the file-set file in VOLUME ORDER, i.e. if you have files on several volumes, the file-set file will first list all files on volume #1, then those on volume #2, etc. When your files are subsequently put back in the file list, (using Load File Set) you will never have to insert a volume more than once.
Both Save and Load File Set depend on VOLUME NAMES to locate files. If a volume referenced in a file-set file is renamed, Load File Set will be unable to find your files. The same thing can happen if a file-set file references two volumes with the SAME NAME.